Benefits of Mindfulness Blog


How-To: Daily Mindfulness Practice

Building a regular mindfulness practice is the same as building any other habit. We all know that the trick to learning to do something is to do it regularly – “little and often” is the short motto which comes to mind. However, often with mindfulness and meditation I hear people say that day 1 was easy, day 2 not too bad, but then the intention trailed off and the practice disappeared. Why is this?

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a man and a woman doing yoga; breathwork

The Powerful Effects of Breathwork

Breathwork has become increasingly popular in recent years as a holistic approach to improving overall health and wellness. One area where breathwork has shown promising results is in the treatment of anxiety. How often does someone try to help reduce anxiety by telling us to “breathe”? In this article, we will explore the science-backed links between breathwork and anxiety.

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how to make essential oils, brown bottle of essential oil


Essential oils have been used for thousands of years, most notably by the Ancient Egyptians, the Greeks, Near Eastern communities like the Phoenicians and populations all around Asia. There is reason for it too. Essential oils are versatile and infinitely useful. In this article, we will explore how to make essentials oils work best for mindfulness practice and take some guidance from both history and modern science.

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Benefits of Mindfulness: 8 Science-Backed Results

Below is a science-backed list of 8 benefits of mindfulness practice gathered from reputable sources. There is so much discussion around the benefits of mindfulness today, and it can be hard to determine the facts, from fantasy…

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The vagus nerve is linked to anxiety disorders, and is integral in the physiological symptoms of these conditions. Using some basic breathing exercise techniques, it is possible to disrupt the physical symptoms of anxiety and calm both the mind and body. Scroll down to find a simple box breathing exercise you can try right away.

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astronaut sky earth space working better mindfulness interoception exteroception

Discover Interoception and Exteroception: 2 Key Techniques That Will Help Your Mindfulness Practice

Huberman Lab is a fantastic resource for science-based information relating to neuroscience: “how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviours, and our health.” We look at one the episodes on his podcast in which interoception and exteroception are discussed in relations to mindfulness practice.

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positive young diverse students surfing smartphone in hallway; mindfulness apps for students

5 Mindfulness Apps for Students: How To Improve your FOCUS and CLARITY

Practicing mindfulness generally, helps to help focus your awareness on what is important and ground yourself in the present; it’s the skill of noticing. As a student there are endless advantages to introducing and practicing mindfulness in our daily lives. Mindfulness practices can help us to reduce stress and increase our ability to stay engaged in independent work, as well as in lectures. Included in this guide are ways to get started with some free and discounted mindfulness apps for students!

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